JAQANAZ Resort Clean Promise

Jaqanaz resort acknowledges the health threat that Covid 19 Pandemic has posed on the world. In response to mitigate and repulse its effects, Jaqanaz resort has created a working partnership with various stake holders in management of the pandemic with the county and the nation government.
Below are some of the mitigation measures that the resort has put in place as basis of the CLEAN PROMISE ;-
- Adjusting of social distance between staff and guests and to limit cross contact of common items i.e. by availing E-menus and cash less modes of payment.
- Display of MOH guidelines hand washing, sneezes, covering coughs, as a constant reminder to staff and guests, availing adequate hand sanitizer dispensers that are easily accessible to guests throughout the resort.
- Constant disinfection of all public areas and guest rooms using hospital grade disinfectants designed to kill the viruses.
- Staffs have been trained and are frequently reminded on how to access for symptoms and how to notify the management for assistance and guidelines.
- The Resort has contracted a stand by MOH certified and licensed Nurse, who is always on call to assist with any case.
Jaqanaz resort success to combat Covid 19 has been attributed to intense focus on prevention, through tremendous elevation of our hygiene standards at and within the resort.
The resort has always maintained impeccable levels of cleanliness.